

Covid19正在使我们的社会困难的人进行了效果。 Respecting social distance and staying home as much as possible is – quite literally – vital. But among all these measures and restriction, is there still a place for bicycle? Could it even contribute to implement these measures? Could it create opportunities and offers solutions? 


从全国范围的宵禁到学校停课,欧洲当局正在制定一系列措施来阻止或减缓冠状病毒的传播。无论测量的阶段是什么,它在所有情况下都可以转化为 ,建议尽量减少 所有类型的旅行,尊重社交距离,避免所有不必要的 联系。这些措施影响了我们的整个生活方式,替代方案正在被发现,使我们每个人都能满足基本需求,必要时去工作,仍然进行一些体育活动,同时呼吸一些新鲜空气 

为了 你自己的缘故

从一个国家到另一个国家,授权旅行变化。从离开的家庭旅馆只提供丰田食品和医疗需求,加入我们的工作场所,表演一些体育活动并采取一些新鲜的空气......,在所有情况下,运输问题出现并是必不可少的。  In the UK, a group of sixteen leading academics has called for the government, in an open letter, to “enable safe walking and cycling during the Covid-19 pandemic.” As you can read it in The《福布斯》杂志

尊重社交距离  –  While we appreciate that public transport is an essential part of our everyday life, everyone who can, should get out on their bicycles for short trips and for commuting. Cycling allows us to respect social distancing by avoiding overcrowded public transport, lowering our risk of getting the virus, and/or of spreading it. This means, avoiding crowded bike-lane and cycling alone or with someone living under the same roof, to respect social distance. This means as well, cycling safely with extra cautious not to risk any accident in these times of overloaded hospitals.

循环foryour的身体健康 – It is well known that physical activity greatly contributes to maintaining a strong immune system. Jumping on a bike, getting your heartbeat going and breathing deeply clear our throat and lungs of bacteria, wards off chronic illness and boosts white blood cells numbers. Cycling also gets you out in the fresh air, as the Bicycle network. reminds us.

循环 你的心理健康 -对许多人来说,我们正在适应的现状可能是焦虑和抑郁的来源。 骑自行车有助于 改善心理健康和减少压力 多项研究 show that those who commute by bicycle are happier and less prone to depression than those who use any other form of transport. 



我们比以往任何时候都被要求减少旅行,当我们这样做时, 是战略。如何保持简短,并登录 保持社交距离,同时提供你的食物,医疗,身体和精神需求?抓住你的自行车,注意安全!



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