Cycling and walking at the forefront of WHO’s Draft Global Action Plan for promotion of Physical Activity

07 Aug, 2017
UPDATE 22/09/17:ECF很高兴有机会对WHO全球体育锻炼计划草案(GAPPA)发表评论。可以找到ECF提交HERE. We are committed and willing to assist in its ongoing development, particularly related to advocacy, promotion and implementation.


支持该过程的ECF卫生政策官员Randy Rzewnicki博士说:“ Gappa将骑自行车和行走的全部力量置于头条新闻,或者成为最高装备。”“We are very happy that WHO sees the contribution that cycling and walking make to preventing NCDs (non-communicable diseases), and the tremendous potential that can be tapped in to. The ECF’s recent experiences with the development of the EUCS were valuable input supporting the goals and the process WHO proposed,” said Rzewnicki referring to the EU Cycling Strategy presented to Violetta Bulc of DG MOVE at the European Commission.

“Annually there are 15 million preventable deaths related to insufficient levels or total lack of physical activity.” said Rzewnicki. 15% are in “first” world.The GAPPA deals with the global need, and cycling is being showcased at the time when it can make a real difference.


1. UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): ECF and itsWorld Cycling Alliance (WCA)发布了报告Cycling Delivers on the Global Goals’ on how cycling can contribute in the fulfilment of several SDGs, of which the ones relevant to physical activity and NCDs are:

  • 通过减少NCD并减少交通事故并提高空气质量来改善健康和福祉(SDG3.4、3.6和3.9)
  • safe, sustainable cities and communities though sustainable transport and urbanization and universal access to green spaces (SDG 11.2. 11.3, 11.6, 11.7)
  • 通过减少化石燃料使用和其他缓解措施来缓解气候变化(SDG13.1,13.2)

2。The New Urban Agenda, a framework document agreed upon by UN Member States as guidelines for sustainable urban development policies for the next 20 years. In order to have cycling well represented in the document,ECF/WCA一直在发挥积极作用in the preparatory committee meetings of the conference and in the negotiations of the document with UN member states and other stakeholders in the process.

3。Climate Action under COP21- ECF/WCA are a part of the Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC); an initiative bringing together over 150 organisations working on sustainable mobility to support effective action on transport and climate change

4. ECF与WHO合作,尤其是健康经济评估工具(HEAT), is valuable for supporting the goals and processes proposed by WHO in this action plan (more infohere

The Structure of the plan


“ 2018年的这项新的全球行动计划(GAPPA)是如何和什么,而新的PA Toolkit 2018将是“如何做”的“如何做”,他是NCD预防的协调员Fiona Bull博士在领导专家HQ的NCD预防协调员中说。“我们采用基于人群的方法。查看杠杆以获取公共政策,骑自行车,步行…。我们是提供全球规范和标准的主要机构。我们正在卫生部门内外建立能力。”

Four underlining strategic objectives, encompass s set of clear actions and indicators, provided for member states, and partners of all levels, in terms of more specific guidance for accelerating the development and implementation of physical activity action plans.Active mobility in terms of walking and cycling are at the forefront for all four objectives!

  1. Creating an active society
  2. 创建活动环境
  3. 创造积极的生活
  4. Creating active systems

WHO讨论文件(2017年8月1日的版本)包括2018 - 2030年全球体育活动计划的“零草稿”。该论文开放供公众咨询,直到2017年9月22日。ECF和WCA代表我们的网络做出了回应,但我们希望其他利益相关者将借此机会将他们的评论添加到咨询中,因为我们对此行动的一般方向非常积极计划。The draft action plan is due for consideration by the World Health Assembly in May 2018, through the 142nd Executive Board session in January 2018.

点击这里for the details on the development of GAPPA and the slides from a recent webinar in August 2017.




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