
如今,Eurovelo 5 - 通过Romea(Francigena)的周期路线在布鲁塞尔举行了流动部长Elke van den Brandt,欧洲议会议员Anna de ...

24 Mar, 2022

瑞典自行车城市(SCC)始于2014年的一个小型网络,试图改善瑞典的自行车地位,此后已发展成为一个国家协会... ECF欢迎瑞典自行车城市到我们的城市和我们的城市骑自行车者(CRC),CRC),(CRC)一个将本地和地区管理部门汇集在一起​​的网络,积极地致力于公关...

24 Mar, 2022

Today, the EuroVelo 5 – Via Romea (Francigena) cycle route was inaugurated in Brussels by Mobility Minister Elke Van den Brandt, Member of the European Parliame...A milestone towards greener mobility in Europe, EuroVelo 5 – Via Romea (Francigena) has been officially inaugurated in Brussels, connecting seven countries and allowing t...

Eurovelo 5:通过骑自行车连接欧洲,以获得更绿色的未来

3月23日,星期三,Eurovelo 5 - 通过Romea(Francigena)将在布鲁塞尔正式开幕。欧洲更绿色流动性的另一个里程碑是...


A new “Give a bicycle” (Giv en cykel) initiative in Denmark encourages and makes it easier for Danish citizens to donate used bicycles to refugees fleeing the w...Donate your used bicycle and help new arrivals from Ukraine integrate into everyday life in Denmark. A new initiative by the Danish Cyclists’ Federation together with the...



17 Mar, 2022

您还记得第一次骑自行车时感觉如何吗?In September 2021, Jill Warren, CEO of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), delivered an inspiri...CEO Jill Warren becomes the first ECF staff member to speak to TEDx Talks, touching on the benefits of cycling and development of cycling infrastructure in Brussels befor...

15 Mar, 2022



The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has published a new state-of-the-art report on geometric design standards for cycling infrastructure. The report gathers...ECF releases new report which compiles, compares and analyses 20 national and regional standards and guidelines for geometric parameters of cycling infrastructure across...

10 Mar, 2022

Pinar Pinzuti is a long-time cycling activist and guiding light in the European cycling advocacy scene. Born in Turkey, raised in Germany and now working hard i...ECF speaks to Pinar Pinzuti of Bikenomist about her experience within the world of cycling. A founding figure of the famous Fancy Women Bike Ride, she discusses how her l...


欧洲骑自行车的人联合会(ECF)自豪地宣布Jan Gehl是Velo-City 2022 Ljubljana的主题演讲者。建筑师,教授兼联合创始人O ...以人为中心的城市规划的世界著名的建筑师兼先驱Jan Gehl将在今年的世界自行车峰会上发表开幕词。Velo-city将占用P ...


The geometry of cycling infrastructure is a critical aspect of its safety and comfort. In this factsheet we look at the geometric design standards for...

