
“EuroVelo象征欧洲绿色交易”的一个重要方面:欧盟官员和布鲁塞尔流动性部长开创EuroVelo 5,骑自行车连接欧盟与欧洲的资本

今天,通过罗密欧EuroVelo 5 - (Francigena)循环路线是由流动性部长在布鲁塞尔举行Elke Van den布兰德,欧洲议会成员安娜Deparnay-Grunenberg和欧盟委员会高级官员访问布鲁塞尔,Pro Velo和欧洲自行车联合会(ECF)。覆盖3200公里,EuroVelo 5连接英国坎特伯雷布林迪西通过布鲁塞尔在意大利南部,现在完全标示标牌安装后本月,一项成就伟大的象征价值为通过欧盟机构的核心路由需要骑自行车沿着著名的街(Wetstraat)。代表一个里程碑环保的流动性在欧洲,新安装的EuroVelo 5迹象之一是在帕洛阿尔托研究中心公布du Cinquantenaire (Jubelpark)今天,几百米的地方,欧盟委员会(European Commission)的贝尔蒙特总部,扬声器和发布的新闻被邀请的成员。沃尔特·Goetz内阁主管艾迪娜Vălean,欧盟交通委员会委员,说:“EuroVelo网络是一个独一无二的倡议结合本地、地区、国家和欧洲的维度通过自行车路线整个非洲大陆。从通勤到旅游业,EuroVelo网络有助于健康和更可持续的流动在欧洲和象征欧洲绿色交易的一个重要方面。“安娜Deparnay-Grunenberg,欧洲议会的成员,说:”EuroVelo网络演示的重要作用,自行车在欧洲的交通系统,与EuroVelo 5无缝连接社区在七个不同的国家,欧盟内外的。自行车被数以百万计的欧洲人,无论是日常旅行,休闲旅行或度假,我们需要确保欧洲立法如10 t和替代燃料基础设施监管(AFIR)反映了这一点。“一些参与者开始的事件Arts-Loi (Kunst-Wet)骑自行车穿越,包括Van den布兰德,访问布鲁塞尔发言人基珀斯Roppe和提倡骑车从职业Velo ECF,从那里他们骑短的EuroVelo 5路线经过Parc du Cinquantenaire的欧盟机构。本节在街,一个臭名昭著的交通和污染的街,2020年5月看到一辆车车道变成了分离周期轨道的当局。Elke Van den布兰德,布鲁塞尔流动性,部长说:“在布鲁塞尔等城市,骑自行车最简单的有巨大的潜力,在城里最可持续和有成本效益的方法。 Our guiding principle for cycling infrastructure since we started in 2019 has been “build it and they will come.” And they have: the number of cyclists is booming in Brussels. These international routes give our cyclists the opportunity to taste the freedom of cycling across borders, connecting them with fellow Europeans.” Under a clear blue sky at the majestic Parc du Cinquantenaire, ECF President Henk Swarttouw introduced CEO Jill Warren, who spoke about the value of the EuroVelo network, which is managed and developed by the European Cyclists’ Federation. Jill Warren, CEO of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), said: “EuroVelo is the largest cycle route network in the world and something Europe should be immensely proud of. When complete, it will total over 90,000 km, pass through 42 different countries and contribute €7 billion yearly to the European economy. The realisation of the EuroVelo 5 section here in Brussels brings us one step closer to that goal.” Jeroen Roppe, Spokesperson of visit.brussels, said: “Brussels is situated in the heart of Europe and represents a crossroads of cultures. We are quite literally making the connection between north and south, east and west, and the bicycle is the transport mode par excellence to really explore Europe. Our European neighbours are just a bike ride away, and these routes make it possible to enjoy all that Europe has to offer.” After the speeches, EuroVelo 5 was officially inaugurated as speakers jointly unveiled one of the route’s new signs in Brussels, hidden for the occasion under an EU flag, a fitting way to celebrate another milestone in the development of the European cycle route network.



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