
01 Aug, 2022

ECFhas been spending recent weeks pushing for cycling to play a greater role in Europe. The bicycle’s link to European transport policy and the flagship TEN-T network has been up on the agenda, with ECF joining EU events and missions to engage with policy makers.

Amidst record breaking heatwaves, and mounting pressure to address transportation issues. We have been working hard to convince EU decision-makers of the need to integrateEurovelointo the TEN-T network - and in past weeks joined two key events; the Connecting Europe Days in Lyon and a mission of the European Parliament's Transport and Tourism Committee to northern France.


在6月28日至30日之间在法国里昂举行的欧洲连接时代,ECF有一个展位。ECF员工在交通运输和欧洲政治领域的集会领导人讲话时忙于骑自行车,同时概述了的重要性integrating EuroVelo进入欧盟的十-T运输基础设施网络。


Decarbonisation and the fallout from the war in Ukraine framed much of the discussions during the Days, with the need to green the entire European transportation system the theme clearly the overarching theme. For the policy makers looking for easy, sustainable answers to our shared mobility challenges, ECF was there, making the case for the bicycle.

在同一个十天的时间里,明天的预告片是关于在泛欧自行车计划was issued by chair of the Parliament’s Transport Committee, Karima Delli. With a roadmap, followed by a European Parliament resolution expected in September, this presents an opportunity to elevate cycling as a mode of transport in its own right within European policies.


感谢Vélo&Territoires(法国国家Eurovelo协调中心),ECF共同组织了在里昂进行的技术网站访问 - 该城市基础设施的周期之旅,并参与了Métropolede Lyon副派的Fabien Bagnon。在巡回演出期间,参观了骑自行车的隧道,其中包括法国通道Péjot-隧道降低了市中心的隧道障碍效应的一个很好的例子。我们还骑行了穆拉蒂尔大桥(Carrefour de laMulatièreBridge) - 穿过A7高速公路,一条十t道路,以及Eurovelo 17的一部分。在此中,在此部分需要投资,以更好地容纳行人和骑自行车的人。Les Voies Lyonna的作品的开始 - 一种将郊区与市中心连接起来的大都会自行车道系统 - 一个很好的例子,是解决Ten-T网络和城市节点周围拥塞的项目。特别感谢CamilleTomé,ECF董事会成员和Eurovelo Council以及Vélo&Territoires主任以及Fub和Lyon的“ Maison duVélo”的帮助。



Presenting to Members of the European Parliament and officials from the Dunkerque Urban Community, ECF laid out the importance of the EuroVelo network and its integration within the TEN-T network. EuroVelo 4 - Central Europe Route, and EuroVelo 12 - North Sea Cycle Route, wind their way through this important French port city. The multi-purpose use of these 17 long distance routes crisscrossing the continent, was made clear in the meeting, not only do travellers using the EuroVelo network visit the city, the network creates a backbone for local and regional cycling networks, enabling commuting and urban trips. With the presentation of the EuroVelo network taking place barely 150m from the city’s train station, in front of a handsome bicycle storage building – the importance of integrating cycling as part of multi-modality was clear.


在ECF,我们选择采取一种实用方法,以展示Eurovelo如何通过自行车或火车 +自行车来参加重要的会议;从火车上从布鲁塞尔到比利时沿海城市德·潘纳,然后骑自行车前往会议的欧洲赛车路线。


The support and groundswell we have seen in recent weeks is positive – and we move towards September ready to engage with elected officials and decision makers to ensure the TEN-T guidelines are improved for cycling.


For more on our Revision of the TEN-T guidelines campaign, please visit our dedicated.


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Avenue des Arts, 7-8
1210 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 329 03 80


Michael Brennan
Phone: +44 7725 877150