The 2nd China Cycling Conference successfully held in Shenzhen


在亚洲,骑自行车活动吸引了越来越多的关注!成功之后速度2016 in Taipei, on the 20th of November, the Green Bike-Transit hosted another great event in Shenzhen. It was the第二中国自行车会议which attracted hundreds of experts and scholars from all over the world to share their opinions and insights, discuss the challenges and opportunities of increasing use of bicycles and growing modal share of cycling.

Yang Tao, a chairman of the Nanjing Institute of City & Transport Planning, delivered an opening speech, where he stressed that the “Dark ages” of Chinese urban traffic had arrived, and it caused various problems such as traffic jams, haze and health risks. He emphasized that the ‘greener solution’, such as cycling, is an emergency need under the current circumstances in China.

但是,中国已经发生了一些有希望的发展。例如,上海城市规划与设计学院运输部综合规划部总监周安(Zhou xiang)介绍了该市2040年的愿景,可持续交通(当然包括骑自行车)在城市进一步发展中起着至关重要的作用。更重要的是,遵循欧洲的典范cycle highways,除了已经在Xiamen Island的现有自行车网络外,Li Minsheng提出了建造自行车高速公路的建议。即使在中国的山区地区,自行车也可能是解决方案,因为它是由重大广播运输计划研究所副首席工程师Fu Yan女士证明的,她分享了她关于在山城在Chongqing山区创建骑自行车基础设施的经验。

Public bike-sharing schemes (BSS)was another milestone at the conference which has also attracted attention of the participants as well as Chinese society in general. Li Hao, an expert from Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute, presented the remarkable advantages of a mixture of BSS and subways in urban cities, and their possible development in Chinese cities.

Overall, the conference tackled various topics concerning the growth of cycling and development of cycling-friendly cities in China. Chen Jiajun, an executive director of Green Bike-Transit, told after the conference: “Among nearly 300 participants, there were students and professionals of urban planning and transportation, cyclists and simply interested citizens. They all provided a heated discussion about the come-back of bicycles to the Chinese cities; and thousands of advice and suggestions were received on how to further implement and promote a sustainable city development”.

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