A new European source of funding for cycling: The EU Social Climate Fund



After more than a year of negotiations, the European Parliament and the Council came to a provisional agreement on the establishment of the EU Social Climate Fund in December 2022. While the text of the regulation, published in its entirety last month, still needs to be formally adopted, we can already report on the points that are relevant for cycling. These provisions have the potential to substantially contribute to the goal of doubling cycling in the EU until 2030,as demanded recently for example by the European Parliament, by improving financing of purchase subsidies and tax incentives, bike sharing schemes and cycling infrastructure.

关于社会气候基金的一些一般背景:这项措施是更广泛的“适合55”的一部分(与1990年相比,2030年温室气体排放量减少)。它应该解决为建筑物和公路运输部门创建排放贸易系统的社会影响,以及可能发生的上涨成本,尤其是对于家庭,微型企业和运输用户特别容易遭受能源和运输贫困的影响。为此,最多867亿欧元(从欧洲排放津贴拍卖收入 + 25%的国家捐款的690亿欧元(约690亿欧元)将在2026年至2032年之间通过所谓的“社会气候计划”支付。


While member states will have some flexibility in defining the priorities for financing, the regulation establishes a clear list of eligible measures and investments that can be included in the plans. Cycling features prominently here, with the following measures being eligible for inclusion:

  • “provide access to… bikes,... including financial support or fiscal incentives for their purchase…”
  • “……支持私人和公共实体,包括合作社开发和提供……共享的出行服务和主动出行选择;”

Especially the last point, the general inclusion of active mobility promotion, has been a demand from ECF that was taken up during the negotiation phase compared to the original Commission proposal, which would have only allowed active mobility measures for certain areas (“rural, insular, mountainous, remote and less accessible areas or for less developed regions or territories, including less developed peri-urban areas”)

In the negotiations between the Council and Parliament, an annex was added to the regulation establishing a concrete list of common indicators for the monitoring of the national plans and the Fund as a whole. The output indicators related to cycling translate the measures quoted above into tangible impact for cycling promotion:

  • 指标23:由基金资助的措施和投资支持的自行车和微型动力汽车的数量。
  • Indicators 26 + 27: Additional shared mobility and mobility on demand solutions
  • 指标28:由基金支持的项目新建或显着升级的专用自行车基础设施的长度。

After this success at the European level, a lot of the work still remains to be done: The actual inclusion of these measures and indicators in the Social Climate Plans will, however, still depend on member states’ decisions. Therefore, it will be crucial that cycling sector organisations at national level make their voices heard when these plans are being compiled during the next years until 2026. ECF will support its members and other stakeholders in this task.



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