ECFCEO Jill Warren’s key takeaways from Velo-city 2021 Lisboa

ECFCEO Jill Warren’s key takeaways from Velo-city 2021 Lisboa

14 Sep, 2021

在9月6日至9日在里斯本举行的世界自行车峰会上,吉尔·沃伦(Jill Warren)明确表示,没有可以想象的方法可以实现可持续发展目标,欧洲绿色交易或气候中性城市而没有明显更多的骑自行车。

On behalf of the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), we have truly enjoyed working with Mayor Fernando Medina and Deputy Mayor Miguel Gaspar and with the Municipality of Lisbon and EMEL on the2021 edition of Velo-citythat took place on 6-9 September.


What you have achieved for cycling in Lisbon is真正鼓舞人心。You’ve gone from 3km of bike paths in 2001 to a network of about 155km today, and you’re aiming for 200km by the end of 2021.

You are progressing Cycle Diversity by making cycling more accessible to people of all ages and abilities, not only by building safe infrastructure but by enabling youngsters to cycle to school, by supporting measures to repair old bicycles to give them to those who need them and by providing purchase premiums for bicycles and cargo bikes.

Thank you for hosting Velo-city, the world cycling summit, at such an exciting time in your cycling development.


Velo-City 2021里斯本有许多要点和要点,但我只会将自己限制在几个。

Firstly, it cannot be said enough: there isno conceivable wayto achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the European Green Deal or climate-neutral cities withoutsignificantly more cycling

我们在欧盟委员会执行副总裁弗朗斯·蒂默曼斯(Frans Timmermans)的Velo-City听到了这一点:使更多的骑行能力明显是一笔不费吹灰之力的投资。但是,现在的政策和决策大脑必须将他们的钱放在他们的嘴里,并实际上致力于具体的计划和投资。

我们在DG Move副总监Matthew Baldwin的Velo-City听到了这句话:“自行车社区应该不那么谦虚。你应该推更多。”欧洲骑自行车的联合会,自行车行业欧洲和我们的自行车协会盟友都说“挑战接受了!”


We understand the principle of subsidiarity. But we also understand the principles of equity, fairness and a just transition. If it’s okay for billions of euros in EU funds to be earmarked for scrappage premiums and other incentives to purchase electric vehicles, then surely there is much more scope for incentives for cleaner, cheaper, less-congesting, smaller and healthier forms of e-mobility such as e-bikes.

现在,需要更多的投资(现在)在安全的骑自行车基础设施中,以使和鼓励更多年龄和能力的人骑自行车和更频繁地骑自行车。它是一个no-brainer investment, and we have all the brains with experience and expertise who can help implement this. 750 of them joined us at Velo-city in Lisbon and a further 1,000 tuned in数字

Key recommendations for European policymakers


  • An EU Urban Mobility Package that truly prioritises cycling as active, healthy and climate-friendly mobility.
  • Targets and benchmarks on: modal share for cycling; the kilometres and types of cycling infrastructure to be built (including bicycle parking); effective Vision Zero measures and indicators for reductions in road deaths and serious injuries; and requirements to adopt Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in order to benefit from EU funding for urban mobility measures.
  • There also needs to be more EU investments in truly green cycling tourism.
  • We also need systematic benchmarking and data collection on all of these things.



在ECF,我们将继续尽力而为地作为骑自行车的拥护者来完成工作。良好,坚实,基于证据的倡导和提高意识需要专门,热情的专业人士和足够的资源。我们拥有敬业的热情专业人士。但是我们还不够资源。We are very grateful to all those whosupport our work。要抓住我们面前的所有机会,我们需要更多的资源。

鉴于所有积极的社会影响,越来越多的骑自行车能够提供的循环 - 从减少碳排放和更好的健康到更宜居,公平的城市 - 我们希望能够说服更多地认同我们事业的资助者,以支持我们重要和紧急工作的扩展并为人们真正想要的持久,积极的变化做出贡献。你不会后悔

改变是与我们的下一个关联的关键词速度conference in Ljubljana发生于2022年6月,我们都期待继续在Velo-City 2021 Lisboa引发的鼓舞人心的讨论。

吉尔·沃伦(Jill Warren)是欧洲骑自行车者联合会的首席执行官。这篇文章是根据她在Velo-City 2021 Lisboa的闭幕主题演讲中改编的,该演讲可以与所有全体会议和会议一起播放一年。数字票可在有限的时间内出售。


  • Velo-City 2021 Lisboa:星期一每日报告– Cycle diversity and climate crisis take centre stage.
  • Velo-City 2021 Lisboa:星期二每日报告- 通向可持续旅游业和未来城市的途径。
  • Velo-City 2021 Lisboa:Wednesday Daily Report– Women in Cycling and a Bike Parade through Lisbon.
  • Velo-City 2021 Lisboa:周四每日报告- 年度世界自行车峰会结束,预示骑自行车作为新常态。
  • Digital access:购买数字票为了获得一年的独家访问,可以完成整整四天的内容,包括50多个会议和250多个高清质量的扬声器!数字票可在有限的时间内出售。


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