
在整个布鲁塞尔市实施30 km/h的速度限制后一年,各种积极的报告显示,道路死亡人数减少了50%...在布鲁塞尔 - 基本地区骑自行车交通和道路安全的新研究提供了显着的在骑自行车繁荣的两年中,洞察力是在纽约市推出新的P ...


The Dutch Police has been awarded the prestigious Gold Level Cycle-Friendly Employer (CFE) Certification by ECF Member and CFE National Coordinator for the Neth...Fietsersbond has awarded the Dutch Police a Gold Level CFE Certification. With more than 60,000 employees, the Dutch Police force is the largest employer in the Netherlan...


Taking place in the cycling city of Oulu, VeloFinland brings together decision makers, city planners, civil engineers, proffesionals of tourism, students a...


I recently came across an interesting article in the scientific journal, Ecological Economics, which looks at the total costs of owning a car. Focusing on Germa...According to a recent study, the total running cost of a car can be nearly €13,000 per year. Using similar parameters, ECF’s Ceri Woolsgrove breaks down how much money ca...


2021年9月的儿童群众周末取得了巨大的成功,在德国及以后的130多个城市中有25,000名参与者。一个大的联合儿童质量2 ...


2021年9月的儿童群众周末取得了巨大的成功,在德国及以后的130多个城市中有25,000名参与者。一个大的联合儿童质量2 ...


我们的世界在变化。人类集体依赖化石燃料为我们的社会供电,对我们的星球和气候造成了巨大破坏,以及t ...

10Feb, 2022

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is pleased to announce that the City of Leipzig has won the bid to host Velo-city, the world cycling summit, in 2023. ECF chose th...

10Feb, 2022

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) is pleased to announce that the City of Leipzig has won the bid to host Velo-city, the world cycling summit, in 2023. EC...The city of Leipzig has won the bid to host Velo-city, the world cycling summit, in 2023. Set to take place on 9-12 May next year, the four-day conference will...

10Feb, 2022


03 Feb, 2022
Alternative transport modes such as walking, cycling and public transport will be encouraged.

从2022年3月开始,法国的汽车广告将不得不包括政府授权的气候友好式消息传递,标签#sedéplacermoinspoll... 2021年12月28日,法国议会通过了一项法令,该法令规定,该法令必须包括可持续的汽车制造商移动性消息在C ...中显着显示


In December 2021, ECF Member Fietsersbond Belgium awarded the European Parliament the title of Cycle-Friendly Employer (CFE) for its Brussels site. With a...The European Parliament has become the first European institution to be certified, receiving a Bronze Level Certification. The Cycle-Friendly Employer Certification Frame...

31 Jan, 2022
