

对于欧洲骑自行车的联合会(ECF)而言,他很自豪地发布其新报告“欧洲国家自行车策略(2021)”。该报告提供了有史以来首次概述47个欧洲国家的国家自行车策略的地位,这是全球在骑自行车的政治利益日益增长的时候,作为一种可持续和健康的运输方式。国家自行车战略是国家在国家一级发展和发展自行车模态份额的关键政策工具,并产生了所有积极的社会影响。如果世界要快速有效地削减运输排放,并避免气候危机中最严重的情况,那么国家自行车策略也可以发挥作用。随着2021年5月的泛欧骑自行车促销总体规划,该地区的54个国家在政治上有必要到2030年制定和实施国家自行车策略。通过分析47个欧洲国家的数据,该报告表明,大多数报告表明,大多数报告表明国家有很长的路要达到这一目标。欧洲骑自行车者联合会首席执行官吉尔·沃伦(Jill Warren):“去年签署了泛欧骑自行车促销的总体规划是国际自行车倡导的里程碑,以及ECF及其成员多年来努力工作的最终。ECF拥有50多个国家,涵盖整个欧洲,现在致力于在2030年采用国家自行车策略,因此自豪地能够继续领导我们的成员,以监控进度,并帮助国家制定其发展骑自行车的策略。”欧洲骑自行车者联合会倡导和欧盟事务主任法比安·库斯特(FabianKüster):“国家自行车战略是发展一个国家骑自行车的重要工具。这种策略长期以来一直在传统上更加自行车友好的国家中使用,但近年来也看到许多南欧国家开始赶上。 While large gaps remain, in particular in Eastern Europe, there are clear signs towards cycling becoming a new normal across the continent.” Of the 47 countries analysed, 13 currently have a national cycling strategy in place, while 10 have expired strategies that need updating. In 2021 alone, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany and Spain each adopted a cycling strategy, and five more countries are currently in the process of developing one for the first time. To reach the master plan’s 2030 goal, cut transport emissions and reap the many societal benefits of cycling, many countries must urgently begin the process of developing or renewing their national cycling strategy. The findings in this report will provide a benchmark against which ECF intends to publish annual update reports to track progress on the development, implementation and effectiveness of national cycling strategies in Europe towards 2030. Key findings: • In total, 23 European countries have at some point had a national cycling strategy (or similar policy document). • 13 countries currently have a national cycling strategy in place, including France, Germany and England. • In 10 countries, the national cycling strategy has expired, including in the cycling nation of Denmark. • Five countries are currently in the process of developing a national cycling strategy for the first time, including Greece, Italy and Ukraine. • 19 countries – mainly in the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus – have never had a national cycling strategy and are not yet in the process of developing one. • The most typical measures pursued in national cycling strategies are the promotion of intermodality, legal changes to highway codes and the development of a national cycle route network. • The duration of most national cycling strategies aligns with the term of the government that adopted it, while others are seven-year, ten-year or even 25-year strategies (Northern Ireland).



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