
17 Oct, 2022

欧洲学校和自行车协会,包括ECF成员Cyclist.ie和ECF成员Conbici的分支机构Biciclistas de Corella,从Erasmus+获得资金,以促进骑自行车,包容和气候行动。

我们很高兴宣布ECF成员Cyclist.ie - 爱尔兰自行车倡导网络, together with six other partner organisations, has received an Erasmus+ grant from the European Commission for its new project, Generations Pedaling for Inclusion and Climate Action (GenCy4In&ClimA).

Among the project coordinators isBicicletas de Corella,ECF成员的分支机构ConBici,与Ies Alhama一起与来自不同国家(波兰,爱尔兰,西班牙和葡萄牙)的四所中学合作。该项目将涉及希望促进社会包容性,气候行动,促进代际关系和促进城市自行车的工作包。

Source: Cyclist.ie

The GenCy4In&ClimA project builds on IES Alhama’s already existingSustainable Mobility, Sustainable Communityproject, which has achieved great successes in the last four years. This has included the development of a骑自行车没有年龄chapter and the implementation of 400 rides for elders and people with mental and physical disabilities on tricycles, as well as the creation of several bicycle lanes, thus making mobility accessible to all. The GenCyIn&ClimA project will contribute to the improvement and maintenance of the surrounding rural areas, through the exchange of learning and training trips.

Thanks to the funding from the European Commission, each partner will be able to engage in the implementation of the project in their four respective countries over the next three years, an important step towards greater awareness of active, sustainable and inclusive mobility, with cycling as the main instrument of change.

Source: Cyclist.ie


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