
15 Feb, 2019
Marynarska交汇处in Warsaw was constructed in 2013 with substantial欧盟的凝聚力基金共同融资, as a part of the跨欧洲道路网(TEN-T)。该项目中没有骑自行车路径,因此一个商业区,有100,000人的工作有效地从华沙西南部切断了骑自行车的人。这amendments to the Road Infrastructure Safety Management Directiverecently approvedby the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committeecould ensure better quality of such projects, but will they survive contact withthe Council of the EU

缺少“ Marynarska互换区域”中的自行车链接。在右侧,华沙最大的商业区,近10万人在左边的萨桑基街(Sasanki Street)左侧,通往该市的机场和西南地区。图像来源:mapa.um.warszawa.pl,骑自行车基础设施层。

这“Marynarska” interchange in Warsaw was built as a part of project“Construction of the S2 expressway from the Konotopa junction to the Puławska junction, together with the S79 section from the Airport junction to the Marynarska junction”.项目budget amounted to €955,883,619, of which theEU’s Cohesion Fund contributed €502,059,750。即使在连接到交汇处的城市街道上,交汇处都没有提供骑自行车路径。这一监督导致了一个商业区,在那里有100,000人在华沙西南部有效地工作,为骑自行车的人切断了工作,即使在短距离内也鼓励汽车通勤。

Paweł Ziniewicz, a cycling activist from Warsaw, explains:

华沙的Marynarska交汇处将动脉城市街道Marynarska和Sasanki与S79高速公路联系起来。多车道街道的速度限制为60 km/h,交通繁忙。在交汇处,还有一个受欢迎的火车站(WarszawaSłuëewiec)和电车线的终点站,都为交汇处东侧的商务区提供服务。当高速公路建于2013年时,汽车司机获得了舒适的天桥和坡道,但行人和骑自行车的人也没有受到治疗。行人现在需要在一系列楼梯上上下攀登。骑自行车的人没有任何分离的基础设施,应该在多车道道路上乘车交通。由于道路和坡道,骑自行车的人不得不在交通快速移动的速度之间进行编织。较少熟练的骑自行车的人使用人行道,并在楼梯上上下骑自行车。有一些升降机,但它们太小,无法用于自行车,并且经常损坏。该交界处位于华沙最大的办公区域附近 - Słuêiceecprzemysłowy-成千上万的人工作。 The interchange cuts off the most convenient access by bicycle from western and southwestern districts of Warsaw: Ochota, Włochy, Ursus and Bemowo.

这story is very similar to the匈牙利Szeged附近的M5高速公路案,另一个帐篷road不必要阻塞骑自行车进入从邻近城镇到城市。欧盟是否会继续花费数十亿美元在基础设施项目上unsafe and more difficult to cycle or walk to work

This depends on the results ofongoing discussions between the European Parliament, Council and Commission,关于道路基础设施安全管理指令。行人,骑自行车的人和摩托车手共同呼吁理事会和委员会接受欧洲议会运输和旅游委员会提出的修正案, and, in particular,脆弱道路用户需求的质量要求

EU funding has been spent on ramps and flyovers that are permanently closed by concrete barriers and have never been used. On the other hand, the connecting section of cycling infrastructure was not included in the project, despite existing or planned cycle paths along city streets on both sides of the interchange. Image source: Google Street View.

To get across the interchange area, cyclists need to weave in and out across lanes leading to and from the S79 expressway. Image source: Google Street View.

一些骑自行车的人害怕交通,选择使用人行道并在一系列楼梯上上下骑自行车。图像来源:Google Street View。


Lifts were supposed to provide a possibility for people with reduced mobility to get to the other side of the expressway and to the train station, but because of low quality of technical solutions, they are broken most of the time.




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