
Fiscal incentives for commuting

Transport represents almost a quarter of Europe's greenhouse gas emissions and is the main cause of air pollution in cities. The EU has committed itself to reducing transport sector greenhouse gas emissions by 60% in 2050, compared to 1990 levels – but it will not achieve this aim with current fiscal policies for transport in place. To give an overview of national policies, ECF has developed an interactive tool comparing tax regimes for different modes of transport.您可以在这里找到该工具。

通勤报告The tool is based on an earlier report on fiscal regimes for commuting, providing case studies of 11 European countries, analysing the state of play for fiscality in commuting, and coming up with specific country-by-country recommendations on how fiscal regimes can be used by governments to create a better balanced mobility.

[Link to ECF report: Commuting: Who Pays The Bill]

尽管一些研究比较了欧洲的不同公司汽车税收制度,但到目前为止,尚未对税收系统如何处理其他运输方式进行通勤模式,例如骑自行车或公共交通。因此,使用其成员组织及其国家自行车官网络的意见,ECF进行了一项研究,比较了根据数据可用性选择的11个欧洲国家 /地区的循环,公共交通和汽车通勤的不同财政制度。这样做的目的是为了确定激励可持续通勤方式的最佳实践,例如比利时存在的自行车旅行津贴或为在英国或其雇员提供自行车的自行车或税收免税的津贴。在德国。

This study gives general as well as country-specific policy advice to decision-makers at the European and the national level on how to create a level playing field for all modes of transport throughout Europe, including those – like cycling – which have a positive impact on the environment and public health. In order for this levelling to be achieved, incentives for active and environmentally friendly modes of transport like cycling should be introduced – or extended where they already exist. It should be possible to combine these incentives with those for the use of public transport in order to support intermodality. At the same time, environmentally harmful tax subsidies for e.g. company cars need to be replaced by mode-neutral solutions like mobility budgets in all EU Member States.



通过不同的方法,这4个城市取得了相似的积极结果:引入拥塞费方案创建net revenues,交通拥堵减少,improved air qualityand was beneficial forsustainable mobility

该研究强调,计划使用收入至关重要improve sustainable mobility从一开始。为了减少汽车交通,ECF建议在可持续运输方式中净收入投资。从长远来看,这将使整个过程更加有效。

Cycling should play an integral role in this process. In Milan, congestion charges were spent entirely on measures to promote sustainable mobility. At least3 million EUR被投资于该市的自行车共享系统“ Bikemi”,这导致了大量使用的增长,集中在拥塞费用计划所涵盖的地区。



The experiences from London and Milan show that investing net revenues from congestion charging schemes in cycling measures yields impressive results. These examples should be taken into account by other cities considering to introduce similar schemes, but also by the EU when developing non-binding guidance on urban access restrictions.拥塞指控and cycling are a winning team:投资骑自行车有助于创造一种有吸引力的机动运输替代品。


Financial incentives for e-cycling

In addition to the known benefits of cycling, e-bikes have an even greater potential to offer, but up until now they were excluded from most of the electromobility strategies on both European and national levels. For this reason, the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has published a报告called所有人的电动性:电子循环的财政激励措施。‘尽管具有明显的优势和成本效益,但电子自行车仍然拒绝了电子搬运政策。因此,我们试图将各级决策者的注意力吸引到他们所提供的潜力上。我们提供关键的政策建议和最佳实践示例,目的是促进整个欧洲的电子循环 - 该报告的作者兼ECF财政和经济政策官员霍尔格·霍博尔德(Holger Haubold)评论说。

添加到自行车必须提供的经济,环境,健康和其他好处, e-bikes are the perfect solution for longer distance trips. In studies, they proved to be faster than cars in trips up to 10 km (twice longer than the ones with conventional bikes). Moreover, they make it easier to overcome natural obstacles (like hills or headwinds), thus they are suitable for commuters wanting to arrive at work in their professional attire, less physically trained cyclists, elderly people and other groups that did not cycle before. Besides, e-bikes make it possible to transport heavier goods, thus providing a great solution for individual shoppers and companies relying on fast urban logistics. Therefore, e-bikes are seen as a potential alternative to cars, especially for trips in urban areas.

In order to keep up with EU CO2排放承诺,并从骑自行车中获得更多好处,鼓励各级决策者包括电子环节的电动性策略,并提供相关的资金机制。ECF报告表明,尽管对电动汽车的大力支持(在德国花费了14亿欧元,直到2014年!),回报率相当低(德国街道上只有25辆500辆电动汽车滚动),同时几乎没有投资,可以达到大量电动自行车!

You can find a more detailed overview of incentive schemes in some of EU Member states, benefits of e-bikes and fiscal policy recommendations in theECF报告在线发布。