
图片:欧洲运输专员Vieltea Bulc在2014年11月20日在布鲁塞尔的欧洲议会上发布了骑自行车论坛欧洲的观众

11月20日,骑自行车的社区团结联合国欧洲最佳决策者,以庆祝#Cyfo - 骑自行车论坛欧洲。循环论坛欧洲由ECF发起,由一系列政党的MEP公司创立,具有欧洲议程中骑自行车的共同目标。

骑自行车是生命!“这是新欧洲运输专员的信息,virteara牛蒡,她在一辆自行车上的新角色中制作了她的第一个公开的展示。专员膨胀:”与清洁的运输和电动汽车一起积极流动是委员会清洁和可持续城市愿景的一部分。我看到城市地区更多骑自行车的巨大潜力。Local authorities need to have support at EU level for promoting cycling". Commissioner Bulc cycled to the European Parliament together with Michael Cramer, Chairman of the TRAN Committee and Manfred Neun, President of the European Cyclists’ Federation. “The cycling sector has proven abilities. Now is the time for Europe to show leadership and take its development to the next level. Cycling can rise to the many challenges that Europe faces during this Parliament’s term and beyond”, said Mr. Cramer, who was also the host of the event and is a longtime supporter of cycling. Speaking on behalf of the cycling community, Manfred Neun, ECF President, had a strong message to send out: cycling is ready to be part of the solution for Europe’s biggest challenges. “There is no better way to bring sustainable growth than through cycling. We have shown that the European Cycling economy is worth over €200bn per year and 650,000 jobs, bigger than many Member States. These are green, sustainable jobs and they are set to grow to over a million jobs by 2020”, said Mr. Neun. Consensus in favor of cycling goes beyond political parties, as illustrated by the synthesis of #CYFO supporter MEPs such as Georges Bach (EPP), Claudia Tapardel (S&D) , Dario Tamburrano (EFD), Igor Soltes (Greens), Ivan Stefanec (EPP), Brian Hayes (EPP) and others. The next step of the Cycling Forum Europe will be to explore and bring forward the policy fit between EU priorities and cycling. The cycling community is looking forward to working with the Commission and its Parliamentary colleagues to take advantage of everything cycling can do for Europe.

按照Twitter的活动:#Cyfo @Eucyclistsfed 我们的Flickr专辑提供免费图片: http://goo.gl/1p8lvw.Video on eurearltv:http://goo.gl/plgw5u.在斯洛文尼亚网站上24UR.com(7'和10'30之间):http://goo.gl/47txzm.


想要查询更多的信息:Elina Baltatzi,ECF通信官电子邮件:e.baltatzi@m.28gouwan.com.电话:+32 2 880 92 74





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