

On the second day of Velo-city 2019, participants had the opportunity to hear some of the best practices shared by the leading cities of Europe during the session dedicated to the ‘Cities & Regions for Cycling’ led by Niccolo Panozzo, Head of Communications at the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF).

哥本哈根化设计公司首席执行官Morten Kabell通过颁发哥本哈根化指数2019,这是世界上最具自行车型城市的全面和全面排名的全面和全面排名。

该项目于2011年始于2011年,现在处于第五次迭代。其主要目标是鼓励城市保持动力,更具创新性。This year’s index is a result of several months of research, evaluating cities with four main parameters of bicycle-friendliness: streetscape parameters (bicycle infrastructure, bicycle facilities, traffic calming), cultural parameters (gender split, modal share for bicycles, modal share increase, indicators of safety, image of the bicycle, cargo bikes) and ambition parameters (advocacy, politics, bike share, urban planning). This year’s edition includes a lot of success stories, among which are the cities of Seattle with its very successful regulation and control of the ‘private free-floating bike share marketplace”; Lagos with its cargo bike-powered recycling programme; Izmir with the ‘Fancy Women Bike ride’ and Brussels with its identity programme ‘Bike for Brussels”. Mr. Kabell announced that the top 20 cities will be presented during the 3rd day of Velo-city 2019 and underlined that ‘This year the competition for the top spots was extremely tight with a large number of inspirational success stories among the cities. More than that, we are happy to reveal that 4 newcomer cities have made the cut for the first time in the Index’s eight-year history”.

会议遵循瓦伦西亚副市长Giuseppe Grezzi,据瓦伦西亚介绍,全年都成为一座自行车友好的城市。他介绍了城市建立了更好的骑自行车基础设施的进展。在过去的四年中,瓦伦西亚达成了巩固可持续运输方式,并将骑自行车旅行数量增加21.5%。他的演讲的另一个点是2017年创建骑自行车戒指,这允许现有的骑自行车网络与骑自行车基础设施的4.8公里之间更好的连接。2018年是瓦伦西亚市的亮点,随着当地自行车机构的创造,凭借监督和提出新的骑自行车基础设施的目标,推动更好,更骑自行车的停车场以及组织循环习惯和活动的促进。

最后,负责移动性和公共场所的巴黎市的副市长以及欧洲委员会总统的副市长Najdovski介绍了巴黎及其进入更自行车友好的城市的演变。他在巴黎提供了几条街道的具体示例,展示了允许增加自行车使用的变化。This included the creation of more bike lanes on busy streets, turning a river bank into a park where people can cycle, an idea that resulted in more than 1000 cyclists registered per hour on a weekday, as well as the ‘Car-Free Sundays’ initiative. He ended the session by presenting the Paris Cycle plan 2015-2020 that has the objective of tripling cycling in Paris by 2020. One of its main priorities is to secure the movement of cyclists and to ensure the right traffic conditions, especially on the most circulated streets of the city by creating bilateral paths or bidirectional cycling facilities.





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