


Doubling cycling is the ambition of the泛欧骑自行车促销的总体规划,覆盖世界卫生组织整个欧洲地区的54个国家。最终确定后,该总体计划将提供guidance for the very first timeto many of these countries about how to支持在国家一级骑自行车

t兰斯波特,H爱情,environmentpan-e欧洲pRogramme(PEP)现在已经在桌面上放置了Pan-European总体规划的先进草稿。这项联合倡议世界卫生组织(谁)和United Nations Economic Commission for Europe(UNECE), under the leadership of Austria and France, asked the骑自行车的伙伴关系(a spin-off of the former非正式ECF国家自行车官s Network)制定大陆广泛计划以促进骑自行车的草案。10个合作伙伴会议之后,结果是高级草稿, which will beput to THE PEP at their 5th high-level meeting(22nd-24Th2019年10月)最终采用。ECF一直在努力确保选秀尽可能雄心勃勃。考虑到我们与荷兰和阿塞拜疆之间的骑自行车的情况非常不同的国家打交道,我们认为我们将取得非常令人鼓舞的结果!

计划草案列出了5 policy objectives在2030年满足:

  1. 该地区的双骑自行车在每个国家 /地区增加;
  2. Develop and implement national cycling policies, supported by national cycling plans, in the member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe region;
  3. Increase the safety of cyclists in the ECE and WHO member States and halve the number of fatalities and serious injuries of cyclists per kilometre cycled annually;
  4. Integrate cycling into health policies;
  5. Integrate cycling into land use, urban and regional planning, including for infrastructure.

Achieving these goals would come with numerous benefits. Using the WHO’s HEAT for Cycling tool it has been calculated that doubling cycling would prevent 30,000 premature deaths per year, with indirect economic benefits resulting from this amounting annually to €78 billion.


  1. 在国家自行车计划的支持下制定和实施国家自行车政策
  2. Improve the regulatory framework for cycling promotion
  3. 创建一个用户友好的自行车基础架构
  4. 提供可持续的投资和高效的资金机制
  5. 在计划过程中包括骑自行车并促进多模式
  6. promote cycling through incentives and mobility management
  7. Improving health and safety
  8. 改善自行车统计量以进行有效监控和基准测试
  9. promote cycling tourism
  10. 利用新技术和创新

ECF热切等待该草案的批准, not just because it will be the combination of five years of work, but also because of the broad nature of the document, covering a large set of cross sectoral policy goals.2019年10月看起来是骑自行车的好月份。


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