第03天在Velo-City 2017 [6月15日]

15 Jun, 2017


The motto of Velo-city 2017 is ‘The Freedom of Cycling’ and for children around the world the bicycle does indeed represent freedom. However, the environment that children grow up inevitably effects the way that they use their bikes. The session Freedom for Children brought together three speakers presenting very different conditions around the world and explained what the freedom of cycling means for both the children living there and their parents.

Some studies show that Dutch children are the happiest on earth. Could this have something to do with the freedom they have while cycling? Writer Marieke Dubbelman is a mum of four children certainly believes so. She lives in a typical Dutch suburb in Utrecht surrounded by excellent cycling infrastructure. In her presentation she gave an overview of a standard day in the life of her family. The bicycle played a key role for all family members – whether it was travelling to work, school, football practice or just visiting the local fast food restaurant with their friends. Her advice was to be an example for your children (especially when it rains!), to trust your child in every step and to remember that freedom for children is also freedom for parents too (you no longer have to act as a taxi driver!)

来自英国的保罗·罗宾逊(Paul Robison)解释了与荷兰相比,英国儿童如何在稍微具有挑战性的条件下学习如何在更具挑战性的条件下进行骑行。在过去的八年中,保罗一直在转向自行车,这是英国的国家自行车训练计划,那里的儿童没有玛丽克家人喜欢的自行车基础设施的好处。因此,可骑行计划的目的是通过教导他们如何在道路上自信地骑自行车来向孩子们提供自由护照。该计划在接受可自动性训练后,超过50%的儿童循环成功了,但他承认,还有更多的事情可以做到。

The final presentation was given by Kristina Jasiunaite from World Bicycle Relief, the German organisation that distributes bicycles to children in developing countries. Kristina began by pointing out that freedom starts when basic needs are fulfilled. As walking is the primary mode of transportation for many people in the developing world lots of time is spent on travelling to fulfil these basic needs (e.g. collecting water, buying food etc.). Providing bicycles can therefore allow children to spend less time travelling more time on experiencing freedom, which for many includes attending school. To date World Bicycle Relief have distributed 350,000 bicycles around the world, which is some areas has led to enrolment in schools increasing by 30%.

At the end of the session there was a surprise announcement when Saskia Kluit, Director of Fietsersbond, announced that to recognise just how special the conditions are in the Netherlands for children to experience freedom by bike, an application will be submitted for it to be added to the UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Furthermore, the Dutch artist Onno van Dockum will be designing a national monument to the cycling schoolchild!

撰写人:埃德·兰开斯特(Ed Lancaster),高级政策官 - 骑自行车旅游和区域政策



In response to the huge numbers of residents and visitors using bicycles, the City of Nijmegen has put a lot of thought, effort and money into creating a world class cycle parking system. On the one hand this comprises an array of high quality underground cycle parking facilities at important destinations, while on the other hand it includes carefully considered procedures to deal with poorly parked bicycles on city streets.

Nijmegen Central Station的两个高容量循环停车设施可容纳约。他们之间的5000辆自行车 - 一辆是免费的,另一个是免费的(完全地下)工厂收取少量费用,应每周,每月或每年支付。附近的“睡美人”音乐厅和学生住宿大楼包括4000辆自行车的室内空间。该设施设计设计的一个引人注目的方面是艺术家创建的多色地板,因此使用户更容易找到自行车,并使建筑物更加频繁,更具吸引力!研究旅行参与者检查了循环站立时记录的不同技术,并在货物自行车上停放了货物自行车和电子自行车(在E-bikes的情况下)。Chapeau Nijmegen市政府!

The other dimension explored by tour participants was the parking enforcement system. The City wants to ensure that pedestrian conditions do not suffer from poorly parked bicycles; equally, some businesses in the central area prefer not to have very large numbers of randomly parked bicycles directly outside designated bicycle parking zones. In response, the City has created a systematic way of tagging bikes that are either parked outside of dedicated zones on particular streets – or are perhaps abandoned. It was great to hear the details of the system directly from the municipality employees working on the streets and those in the depots that store the bikes until they are reclaimed - or else moved on to a social enterprise where they are mended and resold or redistributed.


撰写人:Damien O'Tuama, ECF Vice-President



Stefanie de Hair from the Dutch Research Institute TNO introduced to the audience the latest technological developments in improving road safety for people cycling. While the general focus until a few years ago was put on ‘injury mitigation’, for example through the development of a car windshield airbag, the attention has now moved to ‘injury prevention’, among other through Automated Emergency Braking Systems. With the advent of the connected bicycle thanks to the power supply of electric bicycles, the bicycle will be able to communicate to infrastructure and other vehicles leading to a ‘smoother intervention’ between different modes of transport, she predicted. Most workshop participants subscribed to her statement: “Technological innovation will have a positive impact on the safety of cyclists.”

来自下一个城市流动性的雷蒙德·吉斯(Raymond Gense)要求脱发的发现,声称自行车行业将因4至8年的长期汽车产品周期而在创新方面超越汽车行业。连接的自行车还将能够成为服务系统的移动性合作伙伴,并在此改善移动性系统的可用性方面。使用最适合您旅行的运输方式,将表征他预测的未来移动性选择。他补充说,完整的集成也将有助于自行车共享系统变得有利可图,目前,如果他们自己运作,这是很难的。



撰写人:法比安·库斯特, Senior Policy Officer

骑自行车旅游:刺激城市自行车 - 速度日期


Haruhiko Yamasaki, from the Kokusai Kogyo Group, gave a short presentation on the cycle tourism project “Churashima Cycling” on the beautiful island of Okinawa- the southernmost prefecture of Japan. Okinawa has plenty of beautiful and appealing tourist attractions and an increasing amount of tourists discover its beautiful beaches and heritage sites on a bike. In order to enhance the bicycle use and cycle tourism in Okinawa even further, various efforts are made such as the creation of various types of maps, the establishment of rest stops for cyclists or the analysis of bicycle rental systems. In recent years, the number of bicycle users has increased rapidly in Okinawa, as a result of its successful bicycle tourism. Therefore, Okinawa and the Churashima Cycling project can serve as a role model for the rest of Japan.


来自意大利的维罗妮卡·祖卡(Veronica Zucca)提出了一项自行车运动促进计划,该计划旨在促进各种形式的循环流动性,尤其是对于日常旅行和城市环境。她在演讲中指出,在撒丁岛,骑自行车仍然被视为娱乐或运动活动,而不是一种运输方式。为了改变撒丁岛人民的公众舆论,为骑自行车的人建立实践和安全的路线很重要。该计划的主要理由是,促进骑自行车进行休闲,旅游和体育运动可能会使人们更加意识到可以将自行车用于城市道路日常旅行的事实。


撰写人:Violeta Kazarova, EuroVelo Intern


谁是经常使用自行车的人,他们的需求是什么?哪些小组不循环,为什么不呢?来自不同国家 /地区的调查表明,在不同群体之间提高自行车使用的机会。使用自行车在个人层面和整个社会上都带来很多好处。但是,并非所有人都在骑自行车,并且在群体中引入了会议主持人Sarah Imm女士,可以在组中检测到显着差异。

那些循环工作的人比汽车上下班的人更快乐,更健康。阿尼塔·斯蒂斯特拉(Anita Stienstra)女士解释说,这就是为什么盖尔德兰省建立了巨大的自行车道网络的原因。人们主要是为了欢乐而循环,但是有趣的是,更多地了解不同的群体循环。Young people cycle because is cheap, other ages groups mostly for fun. Two studies show also that 61% of cyclists are male and 75% are people with high-level education. Surprisingly 92% of them has a driving license but they choose bike anyway. 50% cycle more than 18 km, 30% cycle 4 days per week or more, 34% 2-3 days per week. The most important result achieved is about the behavioural change achieved, said Ms Stienstra: 75% of people that tried to regularly cycle for the first time continues to do that.

该会议还使参与者有机会在两个新兴国家(Brasil and India)中概述骑自行车者的形象。

Transporto Ativo旨在鼓励人们更频繁地骑自行车。Gabriela Binatti女士解释说,该组织与大学和地方骑自行车的协会联合合作进行了一项研究,以收集有关巴西人骑自行车的一些重要数据。该财团开发了一种方法,可以在10个城市中的骑自行车者中循环调查。第二阶段使组织者能够培训人们如何接近受访者并收集数据。最后,该报告发表了。一瞥数字和发现:5,012名受访者宣布每周至少骑自行车一次,其中88%的人去工作场所或学校。Binatti女士总结说,主要动机是骑自行车比任何其他运输方式都要快。

来自阿姆斯特丹大学的Shravan Shah先生在印度局势上展示了有趣的人物。第一个自行车共享计划始于2014年。印度在与社会状况有关的骑自行车方面存在差异:低收入人群主要循环工作,而高收入群体则进行休闲。如果我们比较所有权数据,印度的人均自行车为0.09自行车,这是荷兰人均1.10自行车的对立面。差异也与性别问题有关:99.9%的骑自行车的人是男性。一些主要的挑战是:实施骑自行车,减少汽车依赖,改善基础设施并拥有更多技术产品的财务计划。Shah先生说,印第安人还认为,基础设施及其维护对于改善和增加骑自行车是必要的。

回到欧洲,Sofie Walschap女士通过2016年和2017年进行的一项研究介绍了骑自行车的人在布鲁塞雷斯(Bruxelles)的知名度。研究的重点是父母和孩子,以了解第一个如何影响后者的行为。3主要因素正在影响人们的选择:个人,社会和环境。这项调查是针对年龄在12-18岁的儿童的目标群体进行的,在社区中有4所社区中的4所中学。调查结果证明,年轻人对骑自行车和骑自行车的优势有错误的看法。他们中的大多数人认为,公共交通工具比骑自行车更快,便宜。88%的受访者有父母没有骑自行车,其中9%的人劝阻孩子使用自行车。另外,学生认为骑自行车是危险的,因为交通拥堵和狭窄的道路。布鲁塞尔Mobiliteit将实施行为改变运动,以改变接下来的几个月的趋势。

撰写人:Marco Ciarrocchi,项目官


第一代自行车道的四位发言人提出了野心,并说明了芯片评估工具带有区域自行车道的故事。薯条(www.cyclehighways.eu)是一个与西北欧洲的Interreg项目,它将发展和促进自行车道作为一种有效且具有成本效益的低碳解决方案。欧洲骑自行车者联合会项目官员Carolien Ruebens女士解释说,CHIPS项目是ECF的合作伙伴,已开发出一种自行车高速公路评估工具,该工具将为Cycle Highways提供欧洲标准。


由于弗雷德·布鲁伯特(Flemish-Brabant)和拥堵省的开玩笑,弗雷德里克·普斯特(Frederik Pousset)的开玩笑,因为它靠近比利时首都布鲁塞尔(Belgian Capital Bruxelles),正在支持城市实施自行车和创新的移动解决方案。该计划预见了2400公里的自行车路径,其中一些已准备好使用,而另一些则在开发中。什么是自行车道?这是一条功能性的,沥青的路径,将城市连接为骨干基础架构,如芯片项目中所商定的。该省正在开发鲁汶 - 布鲁塞尔自行车道,以允许每天许多通勤者塔维尔(Tavel)的两个重要城市之间的联系。这种基础架构可以使骑自行车的潜力。最大的挑战是使高速公路标牌可读:创建和推广品牌。该倡议需要自上而下和自下而上的支持。市政当局以及在社交媒体上分享经验的用户参与其中。

Cycle Super Highway是大哥本哈根Supercykelstier女士Signe Helledi女士提出的项目。28条使用206公里的自行车道,连接23个市政当局和170万人的路线。由于基础架构,可用性,舒适性和安全性的可访问性,该网络非常有效。尽管如此,维护仍然是一个大问题:市政当局的优先事项不同,并且从骑自行车的人的角度来管理周期路径。Helledi女士解释说,该项目试图改变这种方法。循环轨道检查员负责监视和报告o标志,表面,访问和清洁。他们注册了所有问题,并向市政当局报告。

Mr. Ulrich Malburg brought the audience into the future, showing how North-Rhine Westfalia is developing the cycle highways network. They started a planning competition that led to promote the creativity of cities in order to provide them financial support for cycling infrastructures. 33 communities participated, planning cycle routes from 8 to 45 km long. The government funded the 85% of the projects. In particular the RS1 is a fantastic examples on how to develop a cycle highway: 100 km serving 1.8 million people of which 430,000 employees. This infrastructure allows to have 50,000 cars less on the roads every day and commuters can save up to 70 minutes per day. In the next 5-10 years the government count to improve the network up to 350 km of cycle paths, investing 350 million € for Cycle Super Highways.

撰写人:Marco Ciarrocchi,项目官


Is a Smart City always a Wise city?自行车移动性在智慧智慧城市中的作用是什么?This session explored both the concepts with some of the most compelling speakers out there, highlighting the central role advocacy has to play in this space.

萨加里斯湖(Lake Sagaris)是包含周期的城市规划的顶级专家之一,他立即指出,城市规划的参与式方法对于城市空间的健康发展至关重要:“技术当然很重要,但我们永远都应该忘记(智能(Smart))首先,城市与生活在他们身边。”即使仍然不确定智能自行车可以为城市提供什么,但很明显汽车不是smart: “Cars oblige to segregate all other users. From what I see, we only need infrastructure because cars are dangerous: to make cities safe – and thus closer to the concept of a Wise city – you just need to get rid of cars”.

Niels Hoe,从Hoe360 Consulting开始,然后登上舞台,完全改变了会议的观点:“我想启动智能城市。骑自行车是一种很好的主动运输模式,因为它很简单:让我们保持这种方式!骑自行车是关于人类互动,关于享受城市和时间的互动,我认为这对技术的真正需求并不需要。”

埃里克·弗罗恩(Erik Verroen)强烈促进了聪明的自行车:“城市流动性的未来肯定是多模式的,而且必须是安全的。如果我们想循环这条道路,我们需要确保自行车在两者的顶部:智能,连接的自行车是前进的道路”。

Delft技术大学的Pieter Jonker随后谈到了无人驾驶汽车,他正在改善机器人的看法和决策过程。“这些新车将是电动的,并为所有人提供更安全的街道:孩子,老年人,残疾人”。

ECF的开发总监凯文·梅恩(Kevin Mayne)随后概述了迫切需要欧洲骑自行车的联合会从倡导的角度来看这些主题。“除了聪明,电动或活动之外,我都喜欢human机动性。但是我看到大型汽车公司每天都在游说,以在自动驾驶汽车的操场上改变我们的城市,我知道唯一的解决方案是确保自行车能够集成到新兴的智慧城市和移动性范式中。作为倡导者,我们需要您的支持,使我们可以访问讨论城市未来的房间,并确保将考虑自行车。”他补充说,当他听到彼得提到机器人汽车将“解决”第一个也是最后一英里的连接问题时,他感到害怕:“那个空间不能充满汽车。自行车更节能,更便宜,更便宜,更健康,更可持续。这正是我们要避免的事情。”

撰写人:Niccolò Panozzo,更聪明的自行车项目助理

Urban Planning

Active modes and people should be the core for planning healthy, livable, lively, safe and resilient urban environments. The Urban planning plenary session at Velo-city 2017 brought together professionals from various backgrounds:

  • Masi Mohammadi。汉应用科学大学研究小组“卫生建筑”研究小组负责人。她还担任荷兰Eindhoven技术大学的“智能建筑技术”主席。
  • Pier Eringa(Prorail)和Roger Van Boxtel(NS)。荷兰铁路基础设施和运营商公司的经理。
  • Shipra Narang Suri-国际城市与区域规划师协会副主席(ISOCARP)

演讲者由康尼·齐马克(Conny Czymoch)主持,强调了可持续和可访问的住房和城市规划在当地一级的重要性;在国家一级展示城市地区综合设计和大众运输的相关性;城市规划可以在全球范围内对人们的生活产生影响 - 重点是发展中国家。

第一位发言人Masi Mohammadi是汉应用科学大学研究小组“卫生建筑”负责人,将建筑设计定位为赋予公民权力的工具。从历史上看,建筑一直是力量和奇迹的重要工具。Narang女士强调了我们塑造的环境如何塑造我们,以及支持改变我们思维方式的社交活动的技术。

Pier Eringa(Prorail)和Roger Van Boxtel(NS)分别是国家荷兰铁路基础设施和火车运营的经理。荷兰的经验表明,“自行车和火车”是一个很好的组合。荷兰是一个著名的小国,在某些事情上很大:骑自行车。每位居民有超过1.5辆自行车和5,000列火车,每天120万火车乘客中,超过一半乘坐骑自行车的火车站。此外,荷兰火车现在100%由风能提供动力。


希普拉·纳兰·苏里(Shipra Narang Suri)向礼堂承认她不再是骑自行车的人,但是她处于生活的不同阶段,生活在不同的环境中。当她搬到约克(英国)时,她开始骑自行车,但她的大部分工作生活都处于截然不同的状态。她意识到,鼓励您骑自行车的是紧凑的土地使用,缓慢的速度,更安全的街道,集成的移动性选项,基础设施和有效/响应迅速的本地机构。苏里(Suri)提到,不鼓励您骑自行车是我们在世界上大多数地区所拥有的:缺乏计划的城市化。让我们在全球范围内致力于重新出现计划和骑自行车将是不可阻挡的。

撰写人:耶稣弗里雷, Business Development Officer



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